Providing books to support bereaved children Our charity proudly funds a selection of books aimed at supporting children through bereavement It is thanks to your kind donations that we can make a difference to patients and their families at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust. This generosity has enabled us to purchase a selection of books to support children and adolescents going through a bereavement, aimed at helping to process emotions and feelings in a sensitive way. The books were presented to Bridget Morrison who works as a family key worker supporting those who have been affected by the loss of a child, in a team covering Lewisham, Greenwich, and Bexley. The team are part of Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust’s specialist children’s community services at Kaleidoscope and so play an important role in providing care for local people in our community. Bridget's role is to listen and support families through this extremely difficult process and ensure that the voice of the family is heard at meetings, provide information and signpost bereaved families to sources of support. Our charity recently met with Bridget, who explained to us the importance of bereavement support materials for younger individuals such as children who have lost a sibling. She said: Grief is the most painful companion of death and sadly sometimes children can be the forgotten mourners. The bereavement books will provide support that children can engage with at their level. The books can also be a useful tool in facilitating parents to talk about death in a gentle, age-appropriate manner. Pictured below, these books include ‘Badgers Parting Gifts’ by Susan Varley, ‘Sad’ by Michael Rosen, ‘The Invisible String’ by Patrice Karst, ‘Always and Forever’ by Alan Durant and ‘Beyond the Rough Rock’ and ‘You just don’t understand’ by Winston’s Wish, a UK childhood bereavement charity. If you are touched by the difference these books will help to make to bereaved children, please consider donating to our charity, and support us in continuing to fund important projects like this. Any help we receive is greatly welcomed. Discover More Make a donation Please select a donation amount (required) £10 £15 £20 Other Set up a regular payment Donate